The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs). Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).
Organization: Sustainable Solutions for Life
Project title: Initiating hearing loss prevention through mindset changing process in Nkhotakota District of Malawi
Primary region: AFR
Country: Malawi
Event Description:
It is a 3- phased undertaking. The first phase will comprise capacity building in mindset changing and hearing loss prevention. The first phase will target 10 (5 males and 5 females) direct beneficiaries. The second phase will be the hearing loss prevention open day. It will be facilitated by the direct project beneficiaries and will target the indirect project beneficiaries including local policy makers. During the open day, WHO awareness materials and key messages for 2025 will be displayed through posters and burners. Open day will complete horizontal scaling -up process by targeting 100 indirect project beneficiaries. Concurrently, open day will initiate horizontal scaling -up process by targeting local policy makers to initiate the healthy policy reviewing process and thus integrating ear and hearing issues into the healthy policy. The final phase will involve integrating the project activities into the village action plan so as to attain project sustainability.
Submitter: Ian Madalitso Saini