The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs).  Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).


Organization: Village Development Centre

Project title: Empowering Women on Protecting Young Ears

Primary region: SEAR

Country: India

Event Description:

Village Development Centre plans to conduct six workshops to empower women on the critical issue of hearing problems in newborns. Five one-day workshops will target 200 young women, equipping them with knowledge and skills to address and prevent these challenges within their communities. These workshops will focus on raising awareness and supporting families affected by hearing loss in newborns. A separate workshop will be conducted to 100 college women approaching marriage. This session will educate them on potential risks and preventive strategies related to hearing loss in their future children. These young women can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to ensure the well-being of their offspring. All workshops will employ informative IEC materials and impactful visual banners to effectively convey key messages. These initiatives will reach 300 women, improving their understanding of hearing loss in newborns and empowering them to become agents of change within their communities.

Submitter: Raju Ramasamy