The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs).  Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).


Organization: Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing

Project title: “Hear the Future: Walkathon for Hearing Health”

Primary region: SEAR

Country: India

Event Description:

Our awareness program, “Step Up for Sound,” aims to promote hearing care through a community-driven walkathon. This initiative involves a well-planned route covering key city areas, starting with an opening ceremony featuring local dignitaries and health experts. Participants will carry placards with crucial messages about ear health and distribute informational brochures to the public.
In addition, volunteers will display placards at major traffic signals during peak hours to reach a broader audience. This dual approach ensures maximum visibility and engagement, spreading the importance of hearing care. The program also includes promotional activities on social media, local newspapers, and radio to raise awareness before the event.
By involving community members and emphasizing the importance of regular hearing checks and preventive care, this initiative aims to create a lasting impact on public health awareness.

Submitter: Dr.Suman N