The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs). Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).
Organization: Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART
Project title: Supporting Inclusion & Strengthening the Accessibility on Hearing Rights at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.
Primary region: SEAR
Country: Bangladesh
Event Description:
HEART is recognised for their well planned and impactful implementation for any kinds of activities and project are done and that’s why this year regarding World Hearing Day, we would like to proposed with realistic plan under 6 Major Activities where 12 sub-activities will be implemented observe with 6 days activism model at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. We will covered approximate 1500 direct & indirect targeted beneficiaries focused on hearing rights, personal identity and dignity with an amplifying the inclusivity. The esteemed budget for the proposed project is $1000 where co-created way funding source will be approved collaboration with a local partner and CGHF. This project is a impulse driven and it strengthen the hearing personal access are ensured with free of services and an accountability develop for the beneficiaries including a hotline for feedback received and complaints are welcomed. To learnt more visit us at
Submitter: Jobair Mahmud