The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs). Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).
Organization: Cochlear
Project title: World Hearing Day 2024 at Cochlear Mechelen
Primary region: EUR
Country: Belgium
Event Description:
On March 3rd, the World Hearing Day is held, and as we help people hear and be heard, this day deserves to be celebrated.
First Sandra Ballij will give an inspiring keynote about embracing diversity and changing mindsets in the workplace. Sandra is the CEO of C-Talents, an organisation that matches talents of people with visual or auditory challenges with inclusive organisations.
Afterwards, we will get the creative juices flowing! Join us in the energising workshop to develop a campaign to change the mindset around hearing, increase awareness or promote hearing screening.
Submitter: Pauline Vandenbroecke