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Organization: D.F. Chebatarev Institute of Gerontology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Region: Ukraine

Title: Smart Hearing Health Diagnostic during World Hearing Day


I and my research colleagues have organized online event on examination of the ability to hear whispered and regular speech (by digital recording), followed by an assessment of the ability to listen in the Institute of Gerontology. Also, we have managed the monitoring of the level of hearing as one of the indicators of general human health in different regions of the Ukraine. This materials published as program and abstracts of the presentations on .

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

Screenshort start Webinar in Ukraine

Video analitics reach Webinar in Ukraine

Smart Hearing diagnostics 82 responces from Ukraine

Videoanalitics reach part whispers from online diagnostics i