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Organization: Hearing Health Rwanda

Region: Rwanda

Title: Ear and Hearing care for all! Let’s make it a reality


To celebrate the WHD 2023, HHR in collaboration with ROHNSS, Humanhood Clinics and Ministry of Health held various activities to raise awareness on ear and hearing health. The activities included a visit to IFS school for the deaf where we provide scholastic materials to 30 vulnerable deaf children. We help a health talk with pupils attending a public school in Kigali city and conducted an ear and hearing screening and treatment drive. 341 children were screened, 86 had impacted wax while 16 were found to have disabling hearing loss. HHR also organized a live radio show on the national radio station. This show which was aired for an hour was educative and interactive with question and answer session.
These activities were reported by several media houses online and traditional media. An estimated 2 million people were reached.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No