Below is a representation of the organizations reported.

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Organization: hearX Foundation

Region: South Africa

Title: Ear and hearing care training and advocacy at grassroots and governmental levels


Western Cape province awareness raising campaigns:
1) Training for primary healthcare practitioners: 43 nurses trained.
•Six large ‘Tips for healthy ears’ posters distributed to 3 primary healthcare facilities. Department of health partnered with us to distribute to 8 more primary healthcare facilities.
2) Department of Health Managers meeting: 37 attendees received awareness training.
3) Primary School:
•681 scholars and 20 teachers received awareness training
•WHD ‘Tips for healthy ears’ A4 flyers x700 distributed to scholars and teachers.

Gauteng province campaigns:
1) Media reach:
•Television awareness raising talk: Primetime viewership on average is 225000. The show was repeated.
•Radio (including podcast and social media reach: 721)
Total reach: Approximately 450000 people
2) Awareness Training event: 20 adults reached who work with pre-school children/ scholars.

In-person awareness training: 801 scholars and adults

WHO Training materials distributed to 722 scholars/ adults

Awareness raising through media: more than 450 000 people reached

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Primary ear care training for nurses by ENT doctor

Awareness training for scholars

Training provided using WHD resource materials

WHD awareness training group