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Organization: Hamdard institute of medical sciences & Research, New Delhi

Region: India

Title: Hearing & Hearing care for all


World Hearing Day was celebrated by the Department of ENT-HNS in accordance to this year’s theme “Ear & Hearing care for all! Let’s make it a reality!”.
Along with the ongoing Neonatal hearing screening, a full day Free Camp for Hearing Screening for Elderly was carried out. Proper treatment and advice was given according to the diagnosis & degree of hearing loss.
Also, to raise awareness among the medical students regarding the gravity of the problem of hearing loss, a Poster Making Competition was held in the afternoon in which 22 students participated. The posters were judged by Prof. (Dr.) Sabina Khan, Department of Pathology and Prof. (Dr.) Farzana Islam, Head of Department of SPM based on their creativity, content and prizes were awarded. Our Dean Prof. (Dr.) Mridu Dudeja graced the occasion and gave away the prizes to the Winners. Certificates of Participation were given to all the participants.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Poster making competition

The posters

Our Department