Below is a representation of the organizations reported.
You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.
Organization: AICCV – Associació d’Implantats Coclears de la Comunitat Valenciana
Region: Spain
Title: Semana de l’Audició – Hearing Week – AICCV
Description: Starting on the 25th february, International Cochlear Implant Day until 3rd March, World Hearing Day, AICCV did events and divulgation in different cities around Comunidad Valenciana Region.
VALENCIA 1) Ilumination Town Hall 2) Stand in front on the town hall & Metro stations during the Hearing week – to give information and do hearing tests with HearWHO App. 3) Public transports (Bus) posters and short advertisement on the BusTV. 4) Group activity with AICCV members.
ALICANTE 5) Stand in front on the town hall during the Hearing week – to give information and do hearing tests with HearWHO App. 6) Public transports (Trolley car) posters
CASTELLÓN 7) Ilumination Town Hall 8) Stand in front on the town hall during the Hearing week – to give information and do hearing tests with HearWHO App.
SCHOOLS: 9) During February and March – 100 students will recieve Safe Listening Campaing Workshops. MEDIA COVERAGE
Live Event: Yes
Hearing Screening: Yes
Social Media: Yes
Authorities or policymakers: Yes
Influencers or celebrities: No
Town hall manifesto
Stands in towns
Media coverage
University speech about Hearing Week