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Organization: AICEAragón – Asociación de Implantados Cocleares de España en Aragón

Region: Spain

Title: Semana de la Audición – Hearing Week – AICEAragón – Federación AICE


Starting on the 25th february, International Cochlear Implant Day until 3rd March, World Hearing Day, Aice Aragón
did events and divulgation in different cities around Aragón Region.
ZARAGOZA Illumination of emblematic buildings in purple 25/02 & Lighting emblematic buildings in red 03/03
ZARAGOZA Informative table at the Clinical Hospital, date to be specified
ZARAGOZA Visit to the Almunia. There will be a reception at the Town Hall, reading of the manifesto about hearing loss 02/25
ZARAGOZA Public Transport campaing with posters about World Hearing Day

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Ilumination and collaboration with Administrations

Hospital Exposition about Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implants

Event with politicians and members