Organization: AICCV – Implantados Cocleares de la Comunidad Valenciana
Project title: Semana de la Audición – Día Internacional IC y Día Mundial Audición – Hearing Week
Primary region: EUR
Country: Spain
Event Description:
From February 25th, International Cochlear Implant Day, until March 3rd, World Hearing Day, AICCV organizes outreach activities in different cities:
– 5 cities will illuminate in red some of their public buildings. Campaign in Muppies or Scrolling advertising board in Valencia city center. Campaign with posters in 43 public libraries and youth centers
– Students workshops of different ages about Safe Listening in 6 different schools.
– Street stands to provide information and raise awareness and do hearing tests with the HearWHO application in at least 7 towns.
– Campaign with posters and videos in public transport: Valencia: Illumination public building, Stand in front on the town hall & Metro stations during the Hearing week, Public transports (Bus and metro) posters and short advertisement on the BusTV. // Alicante: Public transports (Trolley car) posters and short TVadvertisement. // Castellón: Campaign with posters in the town hall.
150.000 views estimated
Submitter: Laia Zamora