Organization: Development Three Sixty
Project title: 360’s Ear and Hearing Caravan.
Primary region: AFR
Country: Zambia
Event Description:
The 4 day “ear and hearing caravan” will be implemented in Zambia’s tourist capital, Livingstone. Rural and peri-urban communities are targeted specifically 4 schools, 4 faith-based institutions and 4 communities. The caravan will target all sub-populations with the following activities:
– a puppet show for the children in the primary schools,
– theatre performances with skits, dances and open discussions,
– A radio program,
– Persons on the street health encounters with outdoor medical tents mounted for screening
– Health talks in faith-based institutions.
Development 360 will implement the caravan activities in partnership with some members of its district coalition of over 40 community and civil society organisations. Invitations will be extended to the city mayor, local policy makers the city’s public health department and the ministry of health. Media coverage will be provided by Livingstone Press Club, a body for all city media practitioners and Development 360’s partner.
Submitter: Christopher Lubasi