Perhati KL Cabang Sulawesi Tengah

Title: Skrining Pendengaran dan Bersih – Bersih Telinga Dalam Rangka World Hearing Day 2024 PERHATI-KL Cab. Sulteng

Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia         Additional site(s):


Ketua PERHATI-KL Cab. Sulteng Dr.dr. Christian Lopo, Sp.THTBKL melakukan penyuluhan, skrining pendengaran dan bersih – bersih telinga bersama anggota Perhati-KL cab Sulteng di Yayasan Ar-rahman jl. Durian no.103 kel. Kamonji kec. Palu Barat pada hari jumat 01 maret 2024 kepada ibu – ibu lansia yg berada di yayasan tersebut dalam rangka merayakan World Hearing Day 2024.. bekerja sama dgn PGPKT dan fakultas kedokteran universitas tadulako..

English Title: Hearing Screening and Cleaning – Inner Ear Cleaning in the Framework of World Hearing Day 2024, Attention to the People of Central Sulawesi

English Description:

The Head of PERHATI-KL Cab. Sulteng, Dr. Christian Lopo, Sp.THTBKL, conducted counseling, hearing screenings, and ear cleaning with the members of PERHATI-KL Cab. Sulteng at the Ar-Rahman Foundation, Jl. Durian No. 103, Kamonji, Palu Barat on Friday, March 1, 2024, for elderly mothers residing in the foundation, in commemoration of World Hearing Day 2024, in collaboration with PGPKT and the Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University.


Live event: No
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: No

Group Photo Session

Group Photo Session

ear examination

All Participant