Title: Enhancing Ear and Hearing Care for all and Making It a Reality

Primary site: AFR – Uganda         Additional site(s):


• Mobilization for the event activities invited and informed community members district technical committee and education institutions in the local community about WHD 2024. Through WhatsApp, emails, physical visits at their offices.
• Few of the invited institutions managed to research about World Hearing Day on WHO/WHD website and prepared poems and speech talking about the theme: “Changing mindsets is crucial for improving access and reducing the cost of unaddressed hearing loss”. As shown in the following links.
• https://youtu.be/OgCfjvWaFBk – Bumwalye Primary School – poem
• https://youtu.be/p_bOmah9_ZE – Arlington Academy of Hope – Bumwalukani – poem
• The event had atleast 100 persons in audience and the message has reached more than 10 schools with a population of 2000 young men and women including teachers and community leaders.
leaders welcomed the idea and promised to work close with the association to promote ear and hearing care services for all.


Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Mr. Namwokoyi Bashir a hard of hearing Member from Makerere

Audience Listening to WHD 2024 Highlights

BDHOHA WHD2024 organising committe

Group photo With BDHOHA WHD2024 attendees