Title: World Hearing day – Access to Hearing Healthcare screening

Primary site: AFR – Zambia         Additional site(s):


We embarked on a week long (26th February 2024 – 3rd March 2024) ear & hearing screening. Did Ear Health Talks to counter misconceptions related to ear and hearing problems & Provided accurate & evidence based information to change public perception to ear and hearing problems.
26th February – Ear & Hearing Screening in Lwiimba a rural community – 102 people screened
26th February – Ear health talk to pupils of at Lwiimba school – 789
27th February – Bissell Community School Ear health talk & Screening – 389 pupils
28th February – Kalundu Community market Ear health talk & Screening – 164 people
29th February – Kafue Health Centre screening – 135 people
1st March – Lusaka Media engagements – 4 Media houses
3rd March – World hearing Day Commemoration – observed with all stakeholders in the hearing healthcare. Started with a March past, then speeches. Screened 220 people


Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

March past- To commemorate WHD & raise awareness

Ministry of Health Official gives Keynote address on WHD

Hearing Health talk to School children by Dr. Alfred Mwamba

Ear Screening at Kafue Health Centre