EHC/PGPKT Aceh Utara District Local Comm. (dr. Rahmi Surayya, M.Med.Ed., Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L)
Title: Penyuluhan dalam rangka World Hearing Day 2024
Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia Additional site(s): Aceh Utara District
Penyuluhan kesehatan telinga di Poliklinikik THT RSUD Cut Meutia Aceh Utara, 4 maret 2024.
Penyuluhan, tanya jawab, quiz. Penanggung jawab kegiatan : dr. Rahmi Surayya, M.Med.Ed., Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L
Kerjasama dengan : RSUD Cut Meutia, FK Unimal, Perhati BKL cabang Aceh
English Title: Audiology education in commemoration of World Hearing Day 2024 English Description:
Health education about ear health at Poliklinik THT RSUD Cut Meutia Aceh Utara on March 4, 2024. The event included counseling, Q&A sessions, and quizzes. The person in charge was Dr. Rahmi Surayya, M.Med.Ed., Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L. It was a collaborative effort with RSUD Cut Meutia, FK Unimal, and Perhati BKL Aceh branch.
Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes
Nara sumber dr. Rahmi Surayya, M.Med.Ed., Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L
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