PGPKT Komda Surabaya

Title: World Hearing Day 2024

Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia         Additional site(s):


On March 3, the first activity was group gymnastics. Followed with ear health education regarding era health, noise awareness,
deafness due to noise. After that interaction with the participant regarding ear health and general knowledge. Participants are citizen that gathered in city park Taman Bungkul during Car Free Day at Surabaya City. The next activity was held on March 8, health promotion to outpatient departemen with medical student of Hang Tuah University and Widya Mandala University Surabaya at Navy hospital dr Ramelan Surabaya.


Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

gymnastic group

gymnastic group

health promotion

Health promotion and group gymnastic at city park