Frank Hilton Organization
Title: Transforming Perspectives on Hearing Health
Primary site: WPR – Fiji Additional site(s):
Embarking on a journey of shifting perspectives at our Transforming Perspectives on Hearing Health event, commemorating World Hearing Day. This event was designed to challenge preconceptions and instigate a transformative mindset towards hearing wellness. Our aim was to share information, verbally, through brochures. The free hearing screening provided the public with information on what a hearing test is, how this helps in early detection and how it can impact rehabilitation. Through this interactive event, created a space for the public to understand that ear and hearing care for all should be a real. The hearing screening was attended by 202 participants where 38% of the clients were children and 62% were adults. After the screening, we had managed to provide individualized counselling session to each client discussing on the screening results and the referral pathways. We plan on expanding our screening to other divisions in Fiji.
Live event: No
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes
The Frank Hilton Screening Team
Ear Inspection by Frank Hilton Audiometrist
Screening for Children by Audiologist
Individualized Counselling session after screening