PKRS RSUD dr Haryoto Lumajang, Komda PGPKT Lumajang, FK UNEJ

Title: Penyuluhan Kesehatan Telinga “Myths and Facts, Do and Don’t” di Poli rawat jalan RSUD dr Haryoto Kab Lumajang

Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia         Additional site(s): Lumajang, East Java


Laporan Kegiatan KOMDA PGPKT Kab Lumajang, 7 Maret 2024
1. Nama Kegiatan ; Penyuluhan Kesehatan Telinga “Myths and Facts, Do and Don’t” di Poli rawat jalan RSUD dr Haryoto Kab Lumajang
2. Waktu kegiatan : 7 Maret 2024
3. Tempat Kegiatan : Poli Rajal RSUD dr Haryoto kab Lumajang
4. Bentuk kegiatan : Penyuluhan dan tanya jawab
5. Penanggung jawab kegiatan : dr. Aliyah Hidayati, Sp.THT-BKL
6. Kerjasama dengan PKRS RSUD dr Haryoto Lumajang, Komda PGPKT Lumajang, FK UNEJ
7. lampiran foto2/video kegiatan

English Title: Ear Health Education ‘Myths and Facts, Dos and Don’ts’ at Dr. Haryoto Hospital’s Outpatient Clinic in Lumajang Regency

English Description:

Activity Report of KOMDA PGPKT Kab Lumajang, March 7, 2024
1. Activity Name: Health Education ‘Myths and Facts, Do’s and Don’ts’ at Poli Rawat Jalan RSUD dr Haryoto Kab Lumajang
2. Time of activity: March 7, 2024
3. Venue: Poli Rajal RSUD dr Haryoto Kab Lumajang
4. Form of activity: Education and Q&A session
5. Person in charge: Dr. Aliyah Hidayati, Sp.THT-BKL
6. Collaboration with PKRS RSUD dr Haryoto Lumajang, Komda PGPKT Lumajang, FK UNEJ
7. Attachment: 2 photos/videos of the activity


Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes