Perhati BKL Cabang Sulselbar Maluku Papua
Title: Penyuluhan Kesehatan Telinga di Puskesmas Bara-Baraya
Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia Additional site(s): Makassar
1. Nama Kegiatan ; Penyuluhan Kesehatan Telinga di Puskesmas Bara-Baraya
2. Waktu kegiatan ; Kamis, 4 Maret 2024, 10.00 WITA – selesai
3. Tempat Kegiatan ; Departemen THTBKL FK Unhas
4. Bentuk kegiatan ; Penyuluhan
5. Penanggung jawab kegiatan ; dr. Eka Utami Makmur
6. Kerjasama dengan ; Departemen THTBKL FK Unhas
7. Hasil Kegiatan ; Telah dilakukan penyuluhan dengan peserta 35 orang
English Title: Health Education for Ear Care at Bara-Baraya Community Health Center English Description:
1. Activity Name: Ear Health Education at Puskesmas Bara-Baraya
2. Time of activity: Thursday, March 4, 2024, 10.00 WITA – finished
3. Location of activity: Department of THTBKL FK Unhas
4. Form of activity: Counseling
5. Person in charge of the activity: Dr. Eka Utami Makmur
6. Collaboration with: Department of THTBKL FK Unhas
7. Result of the activity: A counseling session has been conducted with 35 participants
Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes