Perhati-BKL Cabang Sulselbar, Maluku, Papua

Title: Penyuluhan Pada Pasien,Keluarga Pasien,Staf Di FKTP Dan FKTL

Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia         Additional site(s): Makassar


Nama Kegiatan : Penyuluhan Pada Pasien,Keluarga Pasien,Staf Di FKTP Dan FKTL
• Waktu kegiatan: Senin, 04 Maret 2024, 08.00-selesai
• Tempat Kegiatan: 12 Puskesmas Dan Beberapa Rumah Sakit
• Bentuk kegiatan: Melakukan Penyuluhan Pada Pasien,Keluarga Pasien,Staf Di FKTP Dan FKTL
• Penanggung jawab kegiatan : Dokter di masing-masing FKTP Dan FKTL
• Hasil Kegiatan: Telah di laksanakan kegiatan dengan beberapa peserta dari masing-masing FKTP Dan FKTL

English Title: Education for Patients, Patient Families, Staff at FKTP and FKTL

English Description:

The activity title is Counseling for Patients, Patient Families, Staff at FKTP and FKTL. The activity will take place on Monday, March 4, 2024, from 08.00 onwards. It will be held at 12 Puskesmas and several hospitals. The form of the activity is to conduct counseling for patients, patient families, staff at FKTP and FKTL. The person in charge of the activity is a doctor at each FKTP and FKTL. The result of the activity is that it has been successfully carried out with several participants from each FKTP and FKTL.


Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes