Title: Semana de la Audición – Hearing Week – AICE Cantabria
Primary site: EUR – Spain Additional site(s):
AICE CANTABRIA has promoted the illumination in red of emblematic monuments throughout Cantabria, such as Santander Town Hall and Torrelavega Town Hall.
Informative posters have been distributed in several cities and the Cantabrian Health Service disseminated a video on social networks and on its website. There has also been collaboration with transport companies, in this case with city buses in the city of Santander, which have used advertising spots to inform residents. Information stands have also been set up to raise awareness of hearing health at the Valdecilla Hospital and the Gimbernat University School. Also, they organised a press conference at the Santander City Hall where the Councillor for Social Services emphasised that the aim is to give visibility to people with hearing loss and the importance of taking care of their hearing.
English Title: Hearing Week – AICE Cantabria English Description:
AICE Cantabria has promoted the illumination in red of iconic monuments across Cantabria, including Santander Town Hall and Torrelavega Town Hall. Informative posters were distributed in several cities, and the Cantabrian Health Service disseminated a video on social networks and its website. Collaboration with transport companies, such as city buses in Santander, was established to inform residents through advertising spots. Information stands were set up at Valdecilla Hospital and Gimbernat University School to raise awareness about hearing health. A press conference was also organized at Santander City Hall, where the Councillor for Social Services emphasized the importance of giving visibility to people with hearing loss and taking care of their hearing.
Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes