Title: Socialization of hearing screening and ear cleaning for children with special needs in Surabaya

Primary site: SEAR- Indonesia         Additional site(s):


The event took place on March 7, 2024, at Rumah Anak Pintar, Kedung Cowek, Surabaya. It was attended by 32 children with special needs from several inclusive elementary schools in the surrounding areas, accompanied by their parents and teachers. Also present were the chairperson of the Family Welfare Movement (PKK) of Surabaya, the Head of the Surabaya Health Department, and several sub-district heads from the surrounding areas. Parents and teachers were very enthusiastic in paying attention to the hearing screening socialization by the doctor. Children with special needs were very cooperative during the examination and ear cleaning.


Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: No
Social media: No
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

The hearing screening socialization by the doctor

Mrs. Rini Eri Cahyadi, the chairperson of PKK of Surabaya

The ear examination by the doctors.

Children were very cooperative during ear cleaning