Eartone (Thailand)
Title: Care your ear, Safe your brain
Primary site: SEAR- Thailand Additional site(s):
Raise awareness about the risk of hearing loss and cognitive decline and the important of hearing screening at age 50 and over via online social media and onsite event in shopping mall along with real time Facebook live. Specialist doctor and team are onsite to answer any question about hearing difficulty.
Eartone offers free hearing check up via mobile online application and onsite with prior booking for older adults.
The event also showcase latest hearing technology such as 3D printing hearing aids, remote microphone accessory to improve the stigma about hearing aids among older adults. They can try hearing aids onsite for free if they experience hearing difficulty during the screening process.
Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: No
Raise awareness about hearing loss in the community
Demonstrate hearing screening with touch screen application
Partcipants can download free hearing screening app
Opening ceremony with representative from goverment funders