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Organization: University of Santo Tomas Hospital Department of ORL-HNS and UST Master in Clinical Audiology

Region: Philippines

Title: “Hear the Future”


The University of Santo Tomas Hospital Department of ORL-HNS in collaboration with the University of Santo Tomas Master in Clinical Audiology and Faculty of Medicine and Surgery held a week-long celebration for World Hearing Day. It is composed of a 4-day medical mission composed of ear consultation and hearing tests at our partnered community health centers in Manila and Q.C. On March 3, 2023 ORL-HNS residents together with the UST Master in Clinical Audiology conducted training for community workers for practical guidance on preventing, identifying, andmanaging hearing loss and ear disease.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

University-wide hearing assessment via hearWHO app

Dapitan Health Center Mission

Training at Quezon City Kabahagi Center for Children with Di

lay forum at the UST Hospital Ambulatory Care Services