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Organization: Antwerp University Hospital

Region: Belgium

Title: Symposium: Integration of ear and hearing care in primary care


During the symposium on World Hearing Day, we aimed to discuss the role of primary care, occupational medicine, hospital care and education in the diagnosis and treatment of persons with a hearing loss. As 60% of the ear and hearing problems can be detected and treated in primary care, we wanted to promote the “Primary ear and hearing care manual for health workers and general practitioners” at our symposium and to open the discussion with the health care workers and general practitioners on how ear and hearing care are currently integrated in their practice and how it can or should improve. During the symposium, several health care providers (general practitioners, ENT-surgeons, audiologists and researchers) gave interesting speeches to underpin the worthwhile discussions.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No