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Organization: Ministry of Health

Region: Tonga

Title: Ear and Hearing Screening


Leading up to WHD we wanted to increase the awareness around ear and hearing issues. The MOH funded a TV advertisement to promote the WHO tips for healthy ears. They also funded a radio programme and talk back show to help reinforce this message.

On WHD, Dr ‘Amone Vaka‘uta spoke on the radio and Dr Sepi‘uta Lopati visited a local school, they both shared about WHD and the importance of looking after our ears and hearing.

The remainder of the ENT team started a ear and hearing screening for students who attend the Government Primary School (GPS) inclusive education classes. We were welcomed by the staff at GPS Ngele‘ia, who also shared a short Bible devotion and prayer. During the screening, 26 students had their ears checked, and three students completed hearing screens.

This year’s events will help us build towards raising more awareness around ear and hearing health.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

An ear check for students at GPS Ngele‘ia.

Vaiola Hospital’s ENT team led by Dr Sepi Lopati.

Dr Pe‘ofa Tigarea conducting tympanometry.

Phillip and Dr ‘Amone Vaka‘uta doing a hearing screen.