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Organization: Regional Committee for the Prevention of Hearing Loss and Deafness, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Region: Indonesia

Title: World Hearing Day (WHD) & World Down Syndrome Day 2023


On March 11, in the framework of World Hearing Day, we conducted cerumen extraction for 34 children with Down syndrome and a webinar for 59 doctors from health centers throughout South Sulawesi. Prof Dr Eka Savitri ent specialist presented “ Congenital Deafness” and dr Rafidawati ent specialist presented “ Down Syndrome”. All activities were attended by the Head of the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

the participants who took part in the event

Cerumen extraction activities for children with Down syndrom

webinar activities for doctors from community health centers

ear cleaning activities, hearing screening, and games