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Organization: Government Hospitals

Region: Bahrain

Title: WHF


Event aimed to increase the awareness amongst public about the importance of an early detection of a hearing loss and highlighting the outcomes of the life-changing technology.

It involved an official opening ceremony and attended by the retired and previous CI program founders and directors.
Zainab, who was implanted at the age of 1 gave an inspiring speech about her journey to graduating from medical school. It also included a poem telling, speech and live canvas painting by CI Users.

The stations resembled patient journey from diagnosis to proper selection of suitable hearing restoration option ending with a (re)habilitation station.

First station was displaying the diagnostics followed by a hearing aid station and the 3 CI companies, last was for r(e)habilitation, speech therapists and psychologists explained their role in this journey after implantation.

The final station included lip-reading game where visitors got experienced feeling of lip dependent, and kids station.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

Overall event organised by Dr Maryam Sahwan

CI user telling a poem standing by the CEO GH

CI twin users giving a speech

Storytelling about bullying kids with hearing problems