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Organization: AICEAN – Asociación de Implantados Cocleares de España en Andalucía

Region: Spain

Title: Semana de la Audición – Hearing Week – AICEAN – Federación AICE


Starting on the 25th february, International Cochlear Implant Day until 3rd March, World Hearing Day: events and divulgation. Political press releases, ilumination of buildings in red colours, stands in different streets to give information away and hearing tests with HearWHO App.
1) Colaboración with public urban transports Sevilla 17/02 al 06/03
2) Stand in front on the Public Hospital & on a famous street during the Hearing week
3) Exposition with Banners about Hearing Loss & CI information in a social public building (15 days)
4) SCHOOLS – Safe Listening iniciative “Laboratorio Insonoro”
5) Speech Thearapy Workshop with adults
6) Teens CI Workshop
7) Press releases
8) Collaboration with Public buildings for illumination and banners.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Transports Advertisment – Reaching 100.000 persons 2 weeks

Safe Listening Schools Workshops

Hospital Stand with Doctors and Director

Speech Thearapy Workshop with adults