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Organization: Hospital Santo Tomas

Region: Panama

Title: Promoting ear and hearing care


The activities on WHD were prepared to address the patients at the waiting room of the general outpatient clinic with short lectures about the good care of the ears and hearing. A hearing screening was completed to around a hundred patients and 17 of them were detected with probable HL and were referred for further tests. Handouts were distributed and discussed and personnel from the Secretary of Disability explained the process to request hearing aids and the economical and educational benefits for patients with hearing loss. This activity tried to encompass all aspects that pertain to HL as a lifelong condition and was supported by the hospital staff and students , members of the Lion´s Club and institutions that offer support to the individual and their families. There were televison and newspaper interviews that multiplied the information given.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Handouts to patients at the waiting room

Reports broadcasted during the television news at prime time

Preparing the patients for the hearing screening test