Below is a representation of the countries reported. Note if you are listed in multiple countries, that may appear in the final report but not in this map.

You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.

Organization: Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health and Speech-Language-Hearing Department, UFRN, Brazil

Region: Brazil

Title: Ear care and hearing for all in radio, TV and social media in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


The objective of the actions related to World Hearing Day in 2023 was the production of reports and interviews on TV and Radio, as well as on the website and social media.

Report Published on the LAIS/UFRN Website (on 02/03/2023).
Reel published on LAIS/UFRN Instagram (on 03/03/2023) with the presentation of the Campaign.
3076 accounts reached, 3603 plays, 132 likes, 51 shares, 13 comments and 2 saves.
Reel published on LAIS/UFRN’s Instagram (on 03/09/2023) as a continuation of the Campaign’s actions. 1604 accounts reached, 1850 plays, 93 likes, 9 shares and 1 save.

Participation in external interviews
Interview granted to Telejornal RN no Ar, from TV Tropical (TV Record), on March 3td, 2023. With more than 6 thousand views.

Interview granted to Jornal da Cidade, from Rádio Cidade, 94 FM, in Natal/RN, on March 2sd, 2023. With more than 400 views.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Every day is the day to take care of hearing health!. Video

Your ear never stops, don’t rest in care!. Video

World Hearing Day on live TV. Interview

Lifetime Hearing Care on Live Radio. Interview