Below is a representation of the countries reported. Note if you are listed in multiple countries, that may appear in the final report but not in this map.

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Organization: hearX Group

Region: Website

Title: World Hearing Month with hearX Group


In celebration of World Hearing Day 2023, hearX® executed a social media drive promoting awareness of ear and hearing health. This was done by creating and sharing various informative blog articles, infographics, social impact stories powered by hearX® technology, and posters encouraging people to track their hearing health via the hearWHO app, developed by hearX Group. Furthermore, also offered an exclusive “World Hearing Month” 30% software discount for the entire month of March. Our hearX Foundation hosted a training session in partnership with the local Department of Health, for primary healthcare staff that serves the community; in line with the launch of the training manual by the World Health Organization.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Hearing loss around the world

Screen your hearing using the hearWHO App

h(ear)! h(ear)! New blog article focusing on WHD 2023

Happy World Hearing Month Poster