World Hearing Day is an annual global advocacy event for raising awareness regarding hearing loss and promoting ear and hearing care, and calling for action to address hearing loss and related issues. Each year, this event is celebrated on 3 March, covering a specific theme on which the World Health Organization and its partners carry out activities based on this theme.

Please follow this link for an important video message about World Hearing Day 2023 and broader hearing issues from the Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He announces the WHO’s Primary Ear and Hearing Care Manual, which was released on March 3rd, 2023

This site is in support of World Hearing Day.  On this site, you can register World Hearing Day event with the World Health Organization and report on your activities after March 3rd, 2024. In addition, you will find information on the events, promotional, and educational materials for World Hearing Day, including a repository of translated materials.

  • Home page – you are here
  • Pre Register your anticipaated event with the World Health Organization. The day for 2024 is over, 2025 is opening by January 2nd,2025
  • We offer real-time Infographics about locations and plans. See multiple formats under the “Planned Events” tab above.
  • Report on your Activities. Used to report your actual event
  • The deadline for reporting your activities WAS EXTENDED TO MAY 15, 2024 – but now closed
  • User Registration and User Login – or even Reset Password – help us remember you to facilitate reporting your outcomes and make next year easier.
  • News – current activities and commentary.
  • Promotional materials – to help you implement a world hearing day project – or just to advertise the global event. We provided translations in 41 languages this year
  • Contact – send us a quick note for advice.
  • Search – At the top right of each page; you will find a search box that looks at the whole site.  This includes terms that may be hidden in resource files

Communication with us is in two steps. Registration of projects you plan to complete, and then Reporting of projects you have completed. Both should be completed at this time.


We will ask for a simple title and description, your primary country or region, and any additional regions. We will then ask just a few yes/no responses that hope to broadly describe your event for statistical purposes. Finally, we will give you the option to upload up to four photos from the event. You should feel comfortable that you have the right to publish these images based on your local standards.

We want to make it clear that even if you missed registration you are strongly encouraged to report a project. Reporting is the main data source we use to understand World Hearing Day and promote it in the future.


We offer digital copies of event announcements, promotional materials, and other resource materials in multiple languages.

Link to WHO WHD Site

The WHO offers an excellent overview of the planned focus for this year’s events. Official language documents are on that site. You will also find videos and links to the previous year’s activities.

Link to World Hearing Forum Site

The World Hearing Forum offers other resources that may be valuable to you in preparing your event.

World Hearing Day 2024 will focus on overcoming the challenges posed by societal misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets through awareness-raising and information-sharing, targeted at the public and healthcare providers.  

Key messages: 

  • Globally, over 80% of ear and hearing care needs remain unmet. 
  • Unaddressed hearing loss poses an annual cost of nearly US$1 trillion globally. 
  • Deeply ingrained societal misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets are key factors that limit efforts for preventing and addressing hearing loss. 
  • Changing mindsets related to ear and hearing care is crucial to improving access and mitigating the cost of unaddressed hearing loss. 

World Hearing Day 2024 will be observed with the following objectives:

  • Counter the common misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets related to ear and hearing problems in communities and among health care providers.
  • Provide accurate and evidence-based information to change public perceptions of hearing loss.
  • Call on countries and civil society to address misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets related to hearing loss, as a crucial step towards ensuring equitable access to ear and hearing care. 

Member States, partners and stakeholders in the field are encouraged to organize events to raise awareness in communities, in order to address misconceptions around ear and hearing care and ensure accessible ear and hearing care.

Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!

Note: The World Hearing Day 2022 Report on Activity is available here.

Note: The World Hearing Day 2023 Report on Activity is available here.