The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs).  Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).


Organization: Social welfare Lusaka – Zambia

Project title: World Hearing Day 2024 : Rhythm of Understanding: Adolescents Unite for Ear Care in Lusaka

Primary region: AFR

Country: Zambia

Event Description:

We plan to carry out a community based sensitization event where we will raise awareness among adolescents, children and their parents about hearing loss, as well as ear and hearing care., including where they can access information and services alike. We also plan on delivering informed health talks to local schools where we have established adolescent friendly spaces to address misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets related to hearing loss, as a crucial step towards ensuring equitable access to ear and hearing care. We will invite key policy makers to the event like school heads, health professionals and but not limited to adolescent health officials in Lusaka province., all of whom will help promote and sustain the impact of our world hearing day activity beyond its implementation.

Submitter: Dalisiwe Kaira