The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs).  Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).


Organization: Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Project title: Pérdida auditiva: cambia tu percepción y cuida tu audición – Hearing Loss: Change Your Mindset and Take Care of Your Hearing

Primary region: EUR

Country: Spain

Event Description:

The activity consists of the production of an outreach video for the general public, patients, health care providers, young people, educators, etc to highlight the importance of hearing and hearing care, and to change societal misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets about hearing loss. The video includes a brief introduction to hearing and hearing loss, its worldwide prevalence and its consequences on quality of life, as well as a summary of common misperceptions, and it will be presented by a young deaf woman and cochlear implant user.
The video will be launched on March 3 through the platforms of our institutions (CIBERER and CSIC) and permanently available thereafter. In addition, the video will be used in all the outreach activities in which we participate throughout the year, such as Rare Disease Day, Science Week, as well as in talks in schools, nursing homes, etc.

Submitter: Silvia Murillo-Cuesta