The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs).  Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).


Organization: AEA European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals

Project title: AEA reaching out to Greenland for promoting World Hearing Day 2024

Primary region: EUR

Country: Denmark / Greenland

Event Description:

We reach out on LinkedIn, in Greenlandic, Danish and Engish

Here is the link:

Asasara qeqertaaqqat tussiutaallu Kalaallit Nunaanni tussiutit tussiutaallu nunatsinni #worldhearingdayimik nittarsaassiartorsinnaavutit. AEA European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals aamma EFHOH (European Federation of Harard of Hearing People) attaveqarfigigitsi!

Kære øre- og høreplejeudbydere og hørehæmmede i Grønland, kan du hjælpe os med at promovere #worldhearingday i dit land?
AEA European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals og EFHOH (European Federation of Hard of Hearing People) kontakter dig!

Dear Ear and Hearing Health Care Providers and Hard of Hearing People in Greenland, can you please help us promote #worldhearingday in your country?
The AEA European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals and EFHOH (European Federation of Hard of Hearing People) are reaching out to you!

Submitter: Mark Laureyns