Organization: Comunidad Mexicana de Hipoacusyqué, A.C.

Project title: Hearing Health and Diversity in Mexico 2024 Forum

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Retaking health and hearing accessibility issues and initiatives in Mexico making the hearing loss (and HoH identity) visible within the framework of the International Hearing Day through a Forum Day with different dynamics (according with the WHO topic and material of “Changing Mindsets: Ear & Hearing care for All, let’s make it a reality”) in the Chamber of Deputies (politic space) in Mexico City, scheduled for March 4, 2024, having a program of 4 thematic axes: 1. Hearing Diversity, 2. Hearing Health and Hearing Technology, 3. Public and Private initiatives in hearing accessibility issues, and 4. Hearing Space (Architecture / Pollution).

Submitter: Marbella Kimberly Moreno