Project title: WORLD HEARING DAY 2024

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Mainstream Media campaign through a press release with key stakeholders including Ministry of Health and other key players
Workshop on EHC- organized by OEDK/UON/KNH
Social campaigns with flyers, posters and infographic
Free Hearing screening to the public at Afya House
To create awareness on causes and prevention of hearing loss
Hearing Health Talks using WHO advocacy materials
To educate the public on basic ear hygiene-Training health education
Sporting activities with deaf community.
To conduct free ENT examination and treatment
To offer free Questionnaire and screening audiometry-Hearing assessment of the public.
Facilitate referrals where necessary-Treating ENT diseases
To provide information on how to care for our ears and hearing
Mainstream and social media campaign on ear-care through press release and interviews
Screening for ENT diseases
Follow up otological surgical intervention

Submitter: Charles Ogutu