Organization: HEARglobe

Project title: HEARglobe’s World Hearing Day 2024

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Our event will consist of a stall on the University of Melbourne’s Parkville main campus, where we aim to spread awareness on hearing and ear health.
There will be trivia based on global audiology health facts and on ear/ hearing health. There will be games on identifying noise hazard levels of various environmental sounds, with lollies to be won. The event will also have video otoscopy which will be conducted by second year Audiology students and will allow students to have a look inside their ears and learn about wax management. We will also have First Nations audiologists present to converse and engage students on the world of First Nations audiology.

Submitter: Amrisha Kanagaraj