Organization: Shenzhen Children’s Hospital

Project title: Technology Aids Hearing, Sharing a Beautiful Life — Shenzhen Children’s Hospital’s 3.3 Love Ear Day Free Clinic Event

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

In the blossoming spring, Shenzhen Children’s Hospital and the China Hearing Medical Development Foundation are hosting a Love Ear Day free clinic event on March 3rd. Believing in the importance of healthy hearing for children’s growth, exploration, and learning, this initiative offers professional hearing checks and consultations to safeguard their development. The event, taking place from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the hospital’s lobby, includes free hearing screenings, personalized advice, interactive talks, and distribution of hearing care guides. Highlighting hearing health’s vital role in children’s linguistic, social, and educational development, we call for societal support to ensure a solid health foundation for our future generations, enabling every child to experience a clear and beautiful world.

Submitter: Shang Yan