Org Name Original: HI-Genes Africa

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: HI-Genes

Contact Last:Africa

Project Title: HI-Genes Resource pack


AFR: South Africa






Event Purpose: Awareness-raising, Providing ueful resources to people

Primary Audience: Adults, Health care workforce

Estimated In Person Reach: National

Audience Reached: Adults

Specific Workplace: Healthcare workers

Screen Newborn and Infant:

Screen Children and Adolecents:

Screen Adults:

Screen Older Adults:

Policy Maker: 


Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Email

Social Media Numbers:

Event Description:

We created a resource pack with information that is helpful to families to get the appropriate audiology and speech services, schools for the Deaf and other support platforms, in order to assure that people know where to find the healthcare and educational platforms to promote the best hearing for themselves and their families.
We distributed these resource packs in hospitals in the Western Cape and we emailed it to various people in other Provinces in South Africa so that they can distribute it in their region. We plan to also create resource packs for countries such as Ghana, Mali, Rwanda.

WHO Educational Materials Used: No

Native Written Language: English

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: Yes

Did You Translate WHO Materials: No

Would You Consider Assisting Us: No

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:

Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, and we submitted a report to the WHF/WHO

Other Suggestions:

Did You Apply for Grant:No

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption Resource pack and something sweet

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption Delivering the resource pack to hospitals

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption Our resource pack

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