Org Name Original: Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER)

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: Prakash

Contact Last:Boominathan

Project Title: Sensitization on safe listening levels for musicians and singers






SEAR: India


Event Purpose: Launch/promote the safe listening standards, Awareness-raising, Hearing screening

Primary Audience: Adolescents, Adults

Estimated In Person Reach: Local

Audience Reached: Adults

Specific Workplace: Musicians

Screen Newborn and Infant:

Screen Children and Adolecents:

Screen Adults: 70

Screen Older Adults:

Policy Maker: 


Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram

Social Media Numbers: 500

Event Description:

The department of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences, SRIHER reached out to musicians and singers who are exposed to high levels of music as part of their training and profession. Sensitization program was organized for music colleges in Chennai city on the effects of music induced hearing loss. Also, hearing screening was conducted using the hearWHO app for the music college students. A total of 70 students were sensitized and screened. A special song written and composed by us in Tamil language and was sung by the music students as an oath to promote safe listening levels.

WHO Educational Materials Used: Yes

Native Written Language: Tamil

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: No

Did You Translate WHO Materials: No

Would You Consider Assisting Us: No

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:


Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, and we submitted a report to the WHF/WHO

Other Suggestions:


Did You Apply for Grant:Yes we applied, but were not awarded the grant

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption Sensitization of music college students @Tamilisai Kalloori, George Town, Chennai

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption Hearing screening for music college students using hearWHO app

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption Sensitization of music college students @ Dept. of Indian Music, University of Madras, Chennai

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