Org Name Original: Leiden University Medical Center

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: H. Christiaan

Contact Last:Stronks

Project Title: World Hearing Day




EUR: Netherlands




Event Purpose: Launch/promote the safe listening standards, Awareness-raising, Education and training, Leiden European City of Science 2022 event

Primary Audience: General public, Children, Adults

Estimated In Person Reach: Local

Audience Reached: General Public, Children and adolescents, Adults

Specific Workplace: No

Screen Newborn and Infant:

Screen Children and Adolecents:

Screen Adults:

Screen Older Adults:

Policy Maker: 


Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Linked In, Museum Corpus website

Social Media Numbers:

Event Description:

Three rounds of activities of 1 hour each were organized, including interactive presentations by two distinguished audiologists; various hearing tests, including speech-in-noise testing, testing ones highest perceivable acoustic frequency, and lipreading practice; an interactive setup where children could surgically place tympanostomy tubes; a silent disco; two exhibits with WHO materials (translated into Dutch) on hearing preservation; live violin music accompanied by a live dancer to show how much cochlear implant users can actually hear and how much they can achieve in their lives .

WHO Educational Materials Used: No

Native Written Language: Dutch

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: No

Did You Translate WHO Materials: Dutch

Would You Consider Assisting Us: Dutch

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:

Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, but we did not submit a report

Other Suggestions:

Make small grant money available before the event;

Did You Apply for Grant:Yes, we were awarded the grant

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption Children performing a tympanostomy for dummies

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption Interactive presentations

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption WHO materials

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