Org Name Original: TUMS

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: Susan

Contact Last:Abdi

Project Title: World Hearing Day(WHD)



EMR: Iran (Islamic Republic of)





Event Purpose: Launch/promote the safe listening standards, World Report on hearing-related activities, Awareness-raising

Primary Audience: General public, Adolescents, Adults

Estimated In Person Reach: Local

Audience Reached: Children and adolescents, Adults

Specific Workplace: Musicians, Industrial workers

Screen Newborn and Infant: 300

Screen Children and Adolecents: 150

Screen Adults: 180

Screen Older Adults: 100

Policy Maker: Ministry of Health – President of the Association – Broadcasting officials


Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: No

Social Media Numbers:

Event Description:

I focused on importance of hearing across the life and promote good hearing through hearing care. Raise awareness about how to prevent deafness and hearing loss.
Raise awareness of parents that it is important to take some time to learn about ways to protect their child hearing. Some cases of hearing impairment and deafness are preventable. Encourage people to have their hearing checked regularly.
Educating the public by giving a presentation or holding a social media campaign about hearing healthcare.

WHO Educational Materials Used: Yes

Native Written Language: Persian

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: No

Did You Translate WHO Materials: Persian

Would You Consider Assisting Us: Persian

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:


Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, and we submitted a report to the WHF/WHO

Other Suggestions:

Considering all aspects of hearing in any countries it may be different. So we need special program for each country.

Did You Apply for Grant:Yes we applied, but were not awarded the grant

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All Regions: , , Iran (Islamic Republic of), , , ,