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 Organization: National Direction of CEN-CINAI, Costa Rica

 Region: Costa Rica

Title: National Direction of CEN-CINAI, Costa Rica, promotes hearing health in the maternal and child population it serves


The National Directorate of CEN-CINAI launched a hearing health promotion initiative under the banner, “Ear and hearing care for all! Let’s make it a reality” This campaign was not only planned but also executed by CEN-CINAI’s personnel from central, regional, and local levels, along with community members. The target audience was predominantly the maternal and child demographic, and the campaign was implemented both within and outside CEN-CINAI facilities across the nation. The promotion of hearing health involved the creation of informative spaces, such as murals and blackboards, playful activities, distribution of educational materials like flyers, and the conducting of small-group educational sessions. It also included social media engagement. The campaign successfully motivated mothers and children, encouraging them to understand the importance of hearing health and adopt self-care practices accordingly.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Hearing health from pregnancy poster design in Spanish


Play activities to promote hearing health with children


Play activities to promote hearing health with children