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 Organization: MSc in APD Medical School Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

 Region: Greece

Title: Protecting you hearing will have a plus on your cognition & mental health


The master program specializing in auditory processing disorders recently held a workshop, centered on the criticality of hearing protection for enhanced cognition and mental health. The workshop spotlighted a lecture delivered by a renowned psychologist, highlighting the link between sound hearing, cognitive function, and mental wellbeing and stressing the need to prevent hearing loss across all age groups. It also featured a presentation about a user-operated audiometric application developed as part of a larger project at a prestigious institute. The primary focus of the workshop was to demonstrate the practical use of this application in hearing tests, letting participants test their hearing. Earplugs were distributed to participants at the end of the workshop as a hearing protection measure.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Live hearing screening


Using two laptops for hearing testing through the new app


Following the event with master students

 A general view of the amphitheater in action