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 Organization: ScorzaICj,a.c./Teresa Escorza

 Region: Mexico

Title: Salud Auditiva en Mexico, tamiz auditivo e implante coclear. Hagamos ruido todos alrededor de la discapacidad auditiva


Awareness about cochlear implants is being raised through radio programs and informational segments on national channels. There are also campaigns on social media which aim to promote hearing aids among the younger population, regardless of whether they have hearing loss or not. In addition, efforts are being made to provide training about auditory health to schools and the wider public. Government webpages are hosting communication campaigns, and collaborations with the federal health secretary are resulting in work plans focused on health promotion and cochlear implant projects. ScorzaICj is also playing a significant role in these efforts by fostering partnerships with the government and academia, thereby making auditory health more accessible to the general population.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: Yes

 Authorities or policymakers: Yes

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Implante coclear una ayuda tecnica para ma hipoacusia bilate


Salud y bienestar


Jovenes con y sin perdida auditiva

 Una identidad para ellos