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Organization: Thomas More University of Applied Sciences: Speech language pathology and Audiology department

Region: Belgium

Title: Soundscapes in audiology (‘Soundscapes in beeld’)


The main theme of the day was to explore what the impact is of our surrounding soundscape on our hearing, communication, functioning, and well-being.

– Annelies Bockstael: Soundscape and audiology
– Berdien De Herdt: My patient complains of hearing a humming sound.
– Mark Laureyns: What are the consequences of living and working in noise?
– Jan de Sutter: Classroom acoustics.
– Judith Veen: Insight in Personal Noise Exposure
– Wendy D’haenens: Moderator

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

All the speakers at the soundscapes symposium

Demo at the soundscapes symposium

The opening session at the soundscapes Symposium